Hello everyone! It's time for the 3rd Annual Man Battlestations Painting Contest! The rules have once again been slightly modified from last year's, so please read carefully.
EligibilityAll participants must have an active account on the Man Battlestations forums.
SubmissionsAll submissions are due by
Friday, 03 April. One submission is permitted per forum member, consisting of a single picture no larger than 3 megabytes in size at a max resolution 0f 800 x 600 pixels. Any submissions larger than this size will be re-sized by the administrators. Pictures can be submitted either by posting them on the official submissions thread, or emailing them to gamerandy05@gmail.com. The official submissions thread can be found here:
http://manbattlestations.com/forum/index.php?topic=829.0SubjectEach submission must be of a subject related to naval minature wargaming (i.e., a ship or ships of some kind). The game can be of any era or scale. Multiple ships ("fleet shots") are eligible as well as individual shots of single models. Additionally, multiple angles can be incorporated into a single submission, as long as the overall submission is still within the limits above. No models submitted for the previous contests can be re-submitted for 2015. Show us something new!
Award Categories:Main Competition: As with the previous two contests, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be selected by the members of the MBS forums via forum poll. Voting will take place over two or more rounds, with the submissions being split into a number of individual heats. Each round will last no less than 5 days. Once the contest has been narrowed down to the 3 finalists, the final round of voting will be held and the winner declared. The administers reserve the right to cast tie-breaking votes. If we get less than 9 submissions, all the voting will be done in one round. If we get between 9-17 entries, there will be two rounds of voting; the first round will have 3 "heats," with 2-5 submissions each. This will allow members to vote more, as you will be able to vote once per heat. If we get more than 17 entries, then there will need to be a third rounding of voting to narrow down the field. The goal is that by the time we get to the final round of voting, we will be down to the top three entrants. Here is the official schedule for voting:
Round 1: 4-10 April
Round 2: 11-17 April
Round 3 (If necessary): 18 April - 24 April.
In all cases, the voting threads will be closed at Midnight GMT (That's 0000Z for you Navy types

Admiral's Choice: This year, I am reserving the right to select a 4th entrant as my favorite (it will not be one of the entries from the top 3 voted entries).
Prizes will be in the form of gift certificates to The War Store (
http://www.thewarstore.com/). All currency amounts are in USD.
1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $30
3rd Place: $20
Admiral's Choice: #30
Additionally, all winners will receive a "certificate suitable for framing" to commemorate their achievement.
The last two years have seen some truly beautiful submissions, and I can't wait to see what this talented community comes up with this year. Good luck and happy painting!