So I went to the Thursday session of NOVA Open. It was a bit quiet. I took part in the build and play- really just build as I started late, but purchased a Omnidine Patrol fleet for 45$ (!). Met Daniel from Spartan Games and William Trip- the judge, and Firestorm Mike that Andy played at E&E easier this year. Played in the Beginner's Tourney- there were four of us. I had +3 on more battle tracker for each of three games- which is a tie. Sooo, I came in third. But I "beat" the winner and the second place guy. The fourth place guy was a new player, as was the winner. My Dindrenzi 500 point fleet with a Praetorian, 3 Decision Escort carriers and 3 Thrax frigates did well, I never lost more than one carrier and lost two frigates when they charged a ba'kash hidden destroyer squadron. Long range shooting is great but only lasts two turns. Mike shepherded me through the first game, presenting options to help speed up the game. Played against the Aquans, the RSN, and the Ba'kash.