So, now that I've been more or less assured to be heading back to Virginia in October, I've started to think about a few things we could do to enhance the club experience. I will say up front that many of these ideas require some commitment in time, money, or both, but I get the feeling that we might be at that point in the group's evolution where a bit more organization will serve us well. So, here goes:
Membership Items: I'm thinking along the lines of buttons, or maybe T-shirts. Something that would distinquish club members at events or even just at a local store on an open game night. I think the button idea might be cool, as we could do a lot with custom graphics and names. Phineas also mentioned the idea of stickers in the membership thread, which might also be cool.
Ribbons: I'm talking in terms of the military ribbons like the military has to represent awards on service uniforms. Another forum I post on has implemented this for a number of online clubs, and it seems like a neat way to encourage participation. To be clear, these wouldn't be actual physical ribbons; they would be made electronically, and then if a member wanted to they could print them out and put them in a plastic nametag holder or something. Some ideas I've had for various ribbons would be things like faction service awards for playing so many games with a certain faction, or service ribbons for playing in events, that sort of thing.
Organized play: I would really like to see us make a go of the X-cam at some point, but I understand the logistical difficulties inherent with that. Instead, I think we could have a club standings page, which would essentially act as a sort of informal league where we could track wins and losses. Certain restrictions (such as point levels, missions, and fleet build restrictions) would apply, so that not all games would count towards the standings.
So, what do you guys think? Any comments or other ideas? I recognize that there will need to be more coordination to pull some of this off; at the very least, someone is going to have to do some record keeping for the league, and some artwork is going to have to be done for the ribbon idea too.