I still haven't actually played a game, but from what I've read it feels like a game with some of the simplicity of Uncharted Seas (LoS is very simple, for example), but with a bit of the complexity of DW (like point defense and boarding), but DW is sometimes overly complicated for my tastes. To be honest--DW involves too many dice to roll for me. Firestorm may actually be the perfect game I've been looking for--as far as naval tabletop gaming goes, Uncharted Seas satisfies me with an 80% rating, DW satifies a bit lower, like 70%.
Actually, I should borrow the D6G rating system. For me, Dystopian Wars is a 3+ while Uncharted Seas is a 2+ but I'm still looking for that game which is a 2+ with a reroll....