Greetings and thank you for permission to come aboard!
Some of you who frequent TMP might recognize the handle - Long time 6mm combined arms player, been with Full Thrust since almost it's inception, took up Dystopian Wars near enough to it's inception and general SF games player. I've been known to be opinionated about many things and knowledgeable about many more; Both points I dispute on occasion
So, my factional alliances?
Full Thrust - Large NAC, NSL, Sa'Vasku, and Crustie fleets, with some Japanese, ESU, FSE, Kra'Vak and corporate forces available.
Colonial Battlefleet - Have a force I'm putting together for both my own and a BSG fleet.
DW- Sizable Covenant of Antarctica and Russian Coalition fleets and ground forces, with a good South Pacific presence for the Brittanians, Aussies and Black Wolf.