Hi from Vancouver Island
Just discovered the podcast and am trying to catch up on episodes, really enjoying it. I've been a Wargamer for years and years but rarely get to play but have always had an affinity for Naval wargames. Given that I live isolated from many gamers I'm interested in doing a bunch of solo play, my most recent was a Full Thrust game.
I'm interested in all sorts of games, Historical and Sci-Fi, Painting and playing but my current played are
1. Full Thrust
2. Imperial Skies
3. Star Wars Armada (have miniatures.. would love to play)
4. X-Wing (much like Armada)
I'm also in the process of re-booting some of my older games and miniatures
1. WW2 Naval .. I have a some oooooollldd minis I'm in the process of repainting.. need rules
2. Cold War Naval .. just like my WW2 need rules
3. Napoleonic Naval : I have some mini's but need to build them
3. Star Trek III : Tactical Combat Simulator
I also used to play Gothic a lot back in the day and loved it, but sold my minis to fund my Full Thrust habit.. a reboot would be tempting
I guess thats me for now.. looking forward to exploring the forum and listening to the podcasts