I'm reaching the point in my foray into tabletop wargaming where I'm just about at capacity for the number of games I can own (I think). My workbench is now cluttered with ships from Dystopian Wars, figures from DeepWars and Dystopian Legions, and I have a plastic container full of Rebel and Imperial starfighters for the X-Wing game.
That's four different game systems--and I have at least two factions for all of those games except Dystopian Legions.
Given my job, commute, other hobbies (reading, console gaming, getting outside), and real-life responsibilities, I can make it to my FLGS just about every Thursday for miniature wargaming, and every other Tuesday for board gaming (in addition to the games listed above, I also own the Firefly board game and Pandemic). Which means I could play each miniature game once a month, if I wanted to give equal time to each.
The problem is that I have my eye on a couple of other games that I want to get in to--one of them being Firestorm Armada (I think--will be trying it out this weekend). If I take on any more games, well, I'm afraid I'll turn into one of those guys like we have at my FLGS--"Oh yeah, I have like 4 factions for that game, I just never have time to play it because I have 15 others games that I play."
I don't want to be that guy. And yet the siren call of new games is so hard to resist....
Ultimately, these are First World Problems, and not bad problems to have. But I wanted to put the question to you all: do you play multiple games? How do you decide what to play? How do you balance that against real life?