Greetings once again! The season for the 2016 Painting Contest is almost upon us, and this year the rules and format are going be changing significantly. Make sure you read the full rules, but here is a summary of the changes:
1. There will be 3 awards: Admiralty Awards, Member’s Choice, and Commander’s Choice.
2. You will be able to submit multiple entries this year.
3. Membership in the MBS forum is not required to enter, though it does confer an advantage in the Admiralty Award voting.
We need participation from the community to make this work! Specifically, we will need three judge volunteers, and we are also accepting donated items to be used as prizes.
Draft Rules Download Link: a final note, these rules are very much in a draft form. They will be finalized on 15 January 2016, which will still provide two weeks before the submission window ends.