A friend is looking to sell off his stuff. He writes:
Relthoza Starter Fleet (battleship, 3x cruisers, 6x frigates) - NIB with cards & tokens
Sorylian Starter Fleet (same) + carrier. 1 frigate primed, everything else nicely assembled. No stat cards (they would be v1 anyway)
Terran Starter Fleet (same) + carrier + 2x R&D Shield Cruisers + 6x Escorts. All assembled, glued to stands, and most primed black.
I also have a v2 hardback rulebook, and possibly a v1 softcover one if I can find it. (I consider these included free with the three fleets.)
I'd be happy with $100 + S&H for it all. I'd prefer to not break it up, because no one plays here, and I want my closet space
Email plarzoid@gmail.com if interested.