Adam won Best Admiral with over 1000 Victory points in three games... Mostly from Tabling the directorate player with his Sorylians, and stealing the Carrier (double VP). His temporary ally, Mickey with Aquans, more than pulled her weight as well that game, so they won best team.
Mike won the player-voted "running with the bulls" award for taking the most risks with his Ba'Kash.
J won the player-voted call duct tape" award for having the most unkillable unit game after game... Which I think is kind of funny, as I had no trouble killing his Hawker Industries fleet.
In order to facilitate gameplay, I had to field a 500 point RSN fleet along with a 500 point Dindrenzi fleet. I never want to do that again, but at least I was consistent throughout the day, and no team really did better against me than anyone else.