Adepticon is just over a month away! Now that my Planetfall Directorate are done, I'm turning my attention to the task of making sure that the models I need for my fleets that I'll be using in the two events I've registered for are ready to go. That will inolved painting the following models from scratch:
-3 Space Marine Hunter escorts (BFG)
-8 Terran Frigates (FSA)
In addition to these new paints, I've got varying degrees of touch-ups and repairs to do on the rest of my BFG fleet, which was been "in the warp" for 6 years and 5 moves since the last time it hit the table! Specifically, my Retribution-class battleship is in a few pieces, I'm missing antennas on one of my cruisers, and there are several spots that just need general touch-ups either due to chipping or poor craftsmanship at the time of "launching" (I was VERY new to the hobby when I painted all of these
). Here is a pic of what I'm working with: