So I guess part of the big news came yesterday--each of the three factions now has a fighter squadron and a support squadron from which to choose. However, I assume there is more to come, and hopefully soon, because they now have no stretch goals listed. The first stretch goal was 11k British pounds to unlock the Astivar. That's done...but nothing on the horizon, and they have 18 days to go.
Still really like the EEF and Vitruvians, especially the support ships for each. The EEF Jaguar and Ursus look pretty sweet, as does that Vitruvian stealth hunter. Still considering the Flight Lieutenant pledge, I'd like to have at least two different factions. Would likely tack on a couple of support ships for each faction for variety. The rules state you have to field at least 4 ships (of any type) in your squadron, would be good to have enough to run two different squadrons for each faction. But I'm going to hold a bit longer to see what their new stretch goals are. They keep teasing that they have lots more stuff...the support squadron ships are a good start.
My admittedly poor math skills tell me this is a bit cheaper than X-Wing. The most expensive ship shown thus far, one of the Vitruvian support ships I think, converts to about $13. I think all of the standard fighters for all three factions are less than $10. X-Wing ships start at $15. Yeah, they are pre-painted and pre-assembled and Star Wars, but still.