Hey guys, um.. really like the idea of the kickstarter and blogs sound good too. Thought notsure, but ice carrier is awesome and battleships so far.

This was my reply to modular battleships thread on the spartans forums, thought was thinking about kickstarter. Kinda.. got too excited so went and played world of warships and listerned to song Fleet warfare while on my Benson/Atlanta XD.
The reply:
(That would actually be quite cool as would match the frigates, destroyers and corvettes engines and looks. Plus could be more sneaky, hmm.. yep sub ships suit coa. ^_^
Though would like to see more skimmers for the french

as the Alma and Magenta Mk 1 favorite ship hulls, fluff wise remeber the RoF experimented with flying ships for agies. Easyier to move around Britannia blockades~ *nods & grins innocently*
um.. admit like themes and kinda partial to the all skimmer fleet style ships because played, Skys of arcadia on dreamcast and was hooked by flying ships. Kinda why got Rof and Polish & lithuians heh~ :wub:
Am looking forward to what designs well see and other stuff.
Edit: Got too excited, sorry. heh ^_^)