The 1.0 Frigates can work in the meantime, or you could go with...
270 Heavy Cruisers, +1 Shields
120 Pilgrim Squadron
275 Tyrant Battleship, as before
That leaves 135 points, which is an awkward point value to fill. Another Pilgrim Squadron could work, as you really need two squadrons for them to work well... or, grab the new Light Cruisers with Turrets and Weapon Shielding. While they can't pick of Smalls or Aquans as well the Frigates, they do act as Cruiser Snipers with 12 AD at 20"-30", and 8 AD Torps will occasionally get lucky and damage a Cruiser or Frigate.
They're functionally similar to the Frigates, except they need LOS... and have a LOT more AD. Fleet tactics are simple. Reserve the Heavy Cruisers, place the Frigates behind Asteroids or Debris in a corner, place Light Cruisers in the opposite corner, place Battleship where it can draw as much fire as possible. Play conservatively until the Heavy Cruisers decide to arrive, then play as aggressively as possible. Ideally, you'll have only lost a HP or two from your Battleship and a Light Cruiser when this happens.
Then the Heavies show up and toss a 12 AD Nuke up a Cruiser tailpipe, landing a juicy Crit, and either 3x9 AD at another Cruiser, or 13AD and 12AD, or if you really need to Crit a Battleship, 21AD. 21AD should be able to double-Crit and kill a Cruiser, particularly from the rear, but keep in mind you only have a 50/50 chance against a DR 8 (Dindrenzi) or DR 6 with DT (Aquans). You really need that vulnerable arc against these targets if you want the one-shot Cruiser kill. The double-tap with 12&13AD is more reliable damage though.
With 21 AD against a Tier 1, you should probably go for a Targeted Strike against Engines.