You guys make a convincing argument. But if I'm going to pay $45 for a weekend badge, I want to roll dice until I pass out.
Dale, what assistance would you need from me for Halo? We could do a connected Fleet Battles/Dirt Fight game where the UNSC are trying to destroy a surface-based Covenant planetary defense gun that is firing on UNSC ships on the Fleet Battles table. We'd have to house rule how the gun works--maybe one shot every 5 (real time) minutes, or something like that, and we'd have to come up with an AD value for the shot. This is the gun: have it all assembled, but only half-painted, although I could finish it up before the con if needed.
I would certainly be interested in playing Fleet Battles and Dirt Fight at the con, as well as Dystopian Wars. I will also likely sign up for the DeepWars event on Sunday morning. I could play some Firestorm Armada as well, but I'm more interested in the other games I listed. Plus, of course, any pick-up games of X-Wing, or even a round of the Firefly boardgame or Star Trek Ascendancy if we get tired of playing miniatures games (I got the Firefly Blue Sun expansion for Christmas). The venue is only about a 15 minute drive from my house, so I'd be able to game pretty much anytime during the con except Thursday night. I'll plan to take that Friday off.