Author Topic: CAMPAIGN RULES  (Read 4228 times)


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« on: January 10, 2017, 08:31:19 pm »

Purpose: This thread will lay out the "business rules" for the conduct of the Second MBS BFG campaign, in order to make the experience of participating in the campaign as fun and easy as possible for all involved.

Campaign Rules: This campaign will use the campaign rules from the BFG Rule Book PDF. Faction-specific refit and appeal tables from the Armada book and various PDFs will be employed as applicable. Games will be played in accordance with the 2010 FAQ and the most recent edition of the rules in the BFG Rules Repository. Faction codexes from BFG:XR may be permitted on a case-by-case basis with approval from the campaign organizer. The BFG Rules Repository can be found here:

Fleet Tracking: Each player will make a thread in the BFG Campaign forum for their fleet. The first post will have the commander's information and the player's complete fleet list. This post will be edited by the player to reflect a ship's leadership, ship damage, refits, appeal results, reinforcements, and any other changes. Each time a player updates their fleet list, they will also make a new post in their thread that will state what the changes were.

Games: At the start of each calendar month, the campaign organizer (Ruckdog) will randomly assign each participant an opponent. Players will then have the entire month to play a game with their designated opponent. Players will not be assigned to play the same opponent two months in a row. Players completing their assigned game will earn a Renown bonus (specified below). By no means are players limited to playing this assigned game! In fact, players are also encouraged to play as many games as they like with any of the other participants in the campaign by issuing challenges using any convenient means (text, PM, post in their fleet thread, backhand to the face, etc). These additional games may also earn Renown bonuses as specified below. In the event there is an odd number of participants, one player will receive a bye for the month. Players will receive a smaller Renown bonus for their Bye month per the list below, and the same player will not have a bye two months in a row. All bonus renown takes effect immediately, and should be included by the players when they report their game in the Game Reporting Thread.

Playing Games
The games can be played either in person or online using Vassal. Once the game is complete, the results shall be reported using the Game Reporting thread. Only one player needs to post; if their opponent does not issue any corrections to that post, it will be assumed to be correct. The impact of the game (renown, damage, system control, etc) will be reflected in the Campaign Stauts Panel thread by the campaign organizer within one week of the game being played. Renown changes and system control takes effect immediately, however, so players should update their fleet list threads with ships that are destroyed, damaged, repaired, added as reinforcements, etc. as soon as possible.

Vassal can be downloaded here:

The Vassal BFG mod can be downloaded here:

Public Rolls: A sub-forum for conducting public rolls has been provided. Players are required to use this forum and the dice roller installed on the MBS forums to determine the starting leadership for their fleet. Player are encouraged, but not required, to do their rolls for appeals and other such public rolls in this forum as well. If a player elects not to use the forum for this (rolling instead In Real Life or in the Vassal client) at least one other participant must witness the roll. Rolls for individual game (such as for scenario) should be rolled inside of the Vassal client or in real life.

Campaign Length: The campaign will run for 6 months, starting on 1 Feb 2017 and ending on 1 August 2017. In mid-July, a poll of the participants will be conducted regarding continuing the campaign past 1 August. The campaign may be extended if a majority of the participants with to continue. Upon conclusion of the campaign, the player with the highest Renown will be declared the winner (ties are allowed!).

Participation Bonuses: Players may earn Renown bonuses for completing games each month. The bonuses are as follows:
  • Completed Assigned Game: +3
  • Had a Bye Month: +2
  • Completed 1 Additional Game: +1
  • Completed 2 Additional Games: +2
  • Completed 3 Additional games: +3

That means that a player which plays their assigned game and three additional games within a calendar month will receive a total of 9 Renown for their participation. No additional participation bonuses will be assigned for playing more than 3 additional games, though renown can still be achieved from playing more games in the normal fashion. No renown will be deducted from a lack of participation.

Joining the Campaign In Progress

New players are welcome to the campaign. They will not be eligible for assignment to a game partner for the month that they join the campaign, meaning they will not be eligible for the +3 Renown bonus for that month. However, they will be added to the assignment process for each month there after.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 02:17:24 pm by Ruckdog »


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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 11:44:36 pm »

-Updated the game assignment paragraph to accomodate an odd number of players.
-Modifed the Renown bonus table.
-Updated the permissable rules section and added a link to the BFG rules repository.


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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 10:14:54 am »
Question: 9 bonus renown? Wouldn't it be 6? (+3 for playing assigned game, +3 for 3 extra games)


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« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2017, 10:37:08 am »
It's not one per extra game. The first extra is +1, the second is +2, and the 3rd is +3. So, that's a total of +6 for the three extra games, added to the 3 for completing a the assigned game for an overall total of 9. I'm very interested in feedback on this aspect, as it is something new I am trying to help encourage sustained participation.


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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 11:34:27 pm »

Quick question on the appeals and reinforcements.

How many can you have as I cant find a limit other than if you dont have the models to represent them then ypu cant bring it in. Have i missed something or in our rules here. Sorry.




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« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2017, 12:25:07 am »

Quick question on the appeals and reinforcements.

How many can you have as I cant find a limit other than if you dont have the models to represent them then ypu cant bring it in. Have i missed something or in our rules here. Sorry.



You can make as many reinforcements appeals as you have available appeal attempts. So, if you have 3 appeals available, you can use all 3 to get reinforcements. Overall, your fleet can theoretically infinitely expand over the course of the campaign; there is no limit to the absolute numbers of reinforcements you can try for!