This is the official membership roll for the DWVA Dystopian Wars player group. The goal of this list is to make it easier for players to find one another. To join, just reply below. please include the following in your response: favored faction (and other factions, if desired) and general location. Keep in mind that new or interested players may see this thread with an interest in contacting someone for a game, so indicate if you're willing to run demo games, etc! This first post will be periodically updated as new members join the group and/or members pick up new factions!
DWVA Member List
Name |Primary Faction |Other Faction(s) |Location
Ruckdog |Prussian Empire |FSA, RoF |Woodbridge, VA
Phineus Phule |KoB |RoF, PLC, Aust. |Richmond, VA
CDR-G |FSA |PE |Fredericksburg, VA
Dagger Moth |RoF |FSA, EotBS |Silver Spring, MD
Don Mondo |EotBS | |Woodbridge, VA
Last Rites |KoB | |Alexandria, VA
ebelmont |EotBS |LOIS |DC
Creon |EIMC |LOIS, Black Wolf |Alexandria, VA
Bogo |RC/PLC |KoB |Reston, VA