Thanks very much,

@WestAustralian, cheers, the joys of blue stuff instant mold making. Heat it up, squash it around the part you want to copy, leave it set for tops 10 minutes, fill it with a modeling putty, leave for 24hrs and pop extra bits. Will attempt at making defense platforms and (hopefully) full blown space stations using this.
Painting wise, my secret(not so secret method) is a fine circular motion dry brush, carefully building up to edge highlight, then a direct wet detail brush highlight to parts of the edges using the same colour. Unless you mean the actual light from the over head lamp? my brain is a bit frazzled this morning.
More is certainly one the way, struggling with painting the Dread at the moment though. I think with this colour scheme the larger the model the harder it becomes to keep it slightly uniform. Works well when scaling downwards in ship size. I think I'm on top of it now. Was close to respraying it and starting over. I can of course use the work around of some ships are older/newer that others and had more battle action that others. Which is perfectly reasonable. Because I had stopped for as long as I did between the bulk of the fleet and the remainder, there is, as far as my eye can pick up on, differences between them.
Might be throwing me off as its lacking any detailed painting like the red parts and gun metal areas, decals etc. Should have it finished by the end of the day.
Meh, I'm just looking forward to having a entire army painted in its entirety. I have 40k stuff as well and lets just say it got out of hand and I have a ocean of part and unpainted plastics. lol.
@QuickDraw, thank you for remembering

, the former SG forum appears to be back up at least in a read only function.
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