There's been some lively debate on the FB page for DW where the WC staff are moderators. It's been quite polite ( Well, with one exception when *someone* likened anyone who dislikes the new background as a crazy old spinster with ten cats . . . . :/) and rather informative. The head of WC and the whole of Wayland Games, Richard, was commenting on how poorly the last year of sales were for Spartan and that lead to this interesting comment -
"The Kickstarter didn't really impact the sales, I'd suggest. The player base and numbers of players involved are not large enough to give good evidence of habits and trends for specific events. They had resin the year before, the numbers were not very different. WWX sales when we took over were half that of DWars. We think there is lots of potential for Dystopian Wars btw"
Let's focus on two parts of that -
1. The first sentence was in response to my observation that many people on FB heaped scorn on all the special offers Spartan made while the Kickstarter was under way and toward the end of the company. basically saying " You'll get no more money until we get our pledge stuff!" Now, I think Richard is suggesting I either hallucinated that, or it was only a tiny percentage of the whole of Spartan's customer base. I'll concede
one of those suggestions might be
partly correct.
2. Note the last two sentences. Note also that I and a couple of others asked if WWX was being propped up by the DW franchise, hence the need to shoehorn them together. Obviously, you only need to support the system that sells less that the other, right?
I will however agree with the last sentence. I'm not in full agreement with the way that "potential" is being directed.