Author Topic: The Blood Reef Incursion  (Read 6132 times)


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The Blood Reef Incursion
« on: April 15, 2018, 02:19:03 am »
After months of talking about it and throwing ideas back and forth, forum member Stephan and I have finally embarked on a DeepWars campaign!

This particular campaign involves my Fortune Hunters attempting to establish a foothold on Blood Reef, and exploring/exploiting the Reef for their own greedy and nefarious purposes. Stephan's Nereids, ever watchful of their beloved homeland, are rallying to throw the invaders out.

We have a loose structure for this campaign, and we aren't including every single goodie that is available in the Campaigns section of the rulebook; we opted to pick and choose what works for us. Our intent is to play a scenario that fits into the overarching campaign theme, then discuss afterwards what the effects are and how that translates into what the next scenario should be. We're starting with smaller games, between 500-550 points, but plan to move that up to larger games in later scenarios.

Our first scenario was a "Conquer" game, in which the Fortune Hunters were attempting to establish a base of operations in the Coralline Labyrinth area of Blood Reef. The Scenic Artifact Objective was a non-functioning Deflector Field Generator, which the Fortune Hunters planned to incorporate into their base if they could hold on to it.

We set a limit of 10 turns for this scenario.

The Nereids, quick devils that they are, rushed up on the temple and by turn 4 Stephan had nearly all of them in base contact with it. The scenario awards 2 VP per personality model and 1 VP per regular troop model for models close to the objective; almost all of his Nereids were personalities, so he quickly started racking up VP.

We did have a little shark-on-shark violence; I can't remember the type of shark this was that we rolled for, but it was Aggressive and stalked the lowest point valued model on the table, which just happened to be Amatheia's hammerhead (60 points). Amatheia and her pet hammerhead were able to fend it off and kill it, unfortunately for me.

I quickly realized I needed to get my two personality models, the Big Game Hunter and Marie du Chatelet, up to the objective as soon as possible to start getting my own VP. They both made it, but then Marie was confronted by Kalypso and it didn't go so well...

The Big Game Hunter was able to score a Gruesome Kill on Kalypso a couple turns later, but the damage had already been done.

In the other corner, my Heavy Support Diver and one of my Tactical Dive Soldiers ganged up on one of the Reef Guardians, eventually scoring another Gruesome Kill, but not before the Nereids rang up several more VP.

At the end of the game (we went the full 10 turns), the Nereids had scored 49 VP to the Fortune Hunters' 31. Stephan had at least three turns with at least three personality models on the objective, and there was no way I could catch up to them. Unfortunately, my Breaching Mech was out of the fight for the entire game--the Fortune Hunters were playing with the "Trailblazers" special ops rule, and he was trundling off to tag an objective. Dumb move on my part--I should have sent one of the tactical divers in his place. But, live and learn.

On the plus side (for me, anyway), the two models I was able to kill in the Nereid warband were both Gruesome Kills, and as Stephan and I understand the rules, they cannot roll on the survival table and therefore cannot continue in the campaign. He lost Kalypso and a Reef Guardian; he can field other Reef Guardians, but Kalypso is out for the remainder of the campaign. Unfortunately for me, Marie du Chatelet failed her survival roll, so she too is out of the campaign.

Based on the Fortune Hunter's loss in this scenario, the next scenario will be a skirmish with the Nereids as the attackers. They will hit a band of Fortune Hunters who are out scouting another location for their base.

A few other pics from the campaign:

Action hero!

Heeeere, fishy fishy fishy:

Blood in the water:

That's all for now. Watch this space for the next step in the campaign!

Thanks for reading!
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 02:40:34 pm »
Nice! This is looking really good.


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2018, 05:00:28 pm »
I love this!  Can't wait to see more!


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2018, 12:28:32 am »
Thanks! We're supposed to play the next game in the campaign this week. Will post up the report as soon as I can after the game. Hopefully my Fortune Hunters can exact some revenge on those vile fish-people!
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2018, 11:44:02 pm »
Thanks for writing all this up!    Spoiler alert!  The Nereids did not do as well in the second game.  It got bloody fast, but was still a lot of fun.


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2018, 01:44:08 am »
Fresh off their defeat while trying to secure a foothold in the Nereids' domain, the Fortune Hunters were gliding through the Reef, nursing their wounds, when they were pounced on by a Nereid warband!

This second game in our campaign was a simple Skirmish scenario, with about 500 points per side. We opted not to use any wild sea creatures in this scenario.

First blood went to the Nereids, as my Recon diver got WAY too far out ahead of the friendly battle line and was ambushed by a couple merfolk:

After being wounded by the Reef Guardians, the Nereid Sea Serpent swooped in to finish the poor guy off.

Meanwhile, Amatheia and her hammerhead shark streaked forward, looking for an easy kill against one of my tactical dive soldiers and the Big Game Hunter:

In a REALLY lucky roll, my dive soldier was able not only to fend Amatheia off but wound her in the process! Concentrated fire from the dive soldier and the Game Hunter finished her off, but then her hammerhead went after the dive soldier...

More shooting from the dive soldier and Game Hunter finally killed off the hammerhead. The Big Game Hunter moved off to assist my Heavy Dive Trooper, and the dive soldier was pounced upon by two of the vicious merfolk!

Meanwhile, in the middle of the board, the Sea Serpent took down my breaching mech after repeated melee attacks. The Big Game Hunter didn't get there in time!

Tandem shooting from the heavy dive trooper and tactical dive soldier finished off the beast. The remaining Nereids decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and retreated off the battlefield.

The Fortune Hunters certainly did better in this match than they did in the first scenario! I lost a tactical dive soldier, a breaching mech, and a recon diver, all of whom survived as "disabled" in the rolls at the end of the match. Unfortunately, Amatheia made her saving roll, so we haven't seen the last of her.

The Nereids now stand at 51 VP for the campaign, and the Fortune Hunters are at 39 VP. Our next scenario will be a Salvage mission, as the two forces both recover from their wounds and try to find some technological artifacts to use against each other.

A few more pics from the game:

Hopefully we'll get the next scenario played in the next week or two. Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 01:47:01 am by Landlubber »
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2018, 06:41:25 pm »
Thanks for the write-up!   Perhaps we'll have a shipwreck to fight over next time........


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Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2018, 12:37:35 am »
Long overdue update on the campaign!

Unfortunately, I suffered a computer error a couple of months ago and I cannot find ANY of the pictures that I took during the game. We did play a salvage mission, and the Fortune Hunters got their butts handed to them by the Nereids. All of the Fortune Hunters were removed from the battlefield, and not one single Nereid was removed! The final tally for me was one tactical dive soldier killed, one heavy diver injured for the next scenario, and the Big Game Hunter injured for the next scenario.

The Nereids have widened the gap in the overall VP, although I'll have to consult with my opponent about what the current score is.

Hopefully, with the summer mostly behind us, we'll be able to get the next game played soon. And hopefully I'll get some pictures up for the next one. Stephan bought a BEAUTIFUL terrain piece that we used in the last game; I'm sure it will make an appearance again soon!

Thanks for reading!
"Sometimes, you gotta roll the hard six."--Commander Adama