I'm not too sure what to think of this - it could be that I'm overthinking things again (its a common issue with me) - but I had a bit of an experience recently that is giving me bad vibes.
Last weekend, I went to the local GW store to see if they had any of the new Necromunda wave available. When I walked in, I couldn't find any Necromunda stuff at all - and no Blood Bowl stuff for that matter either. So I queried the clerk, and he said that he'd had to send all the previous Necromunda stuff back, and everything for the game from now on would have to be ordered in.
This kinda got me thinking (and possibly overthinking), does this mean that GW has already condemned the new specialist games to the "too hard" basket, and not really given it any real resources? I mean, they're not exactly advertising the new Blood Bowl releases (I saw the first ads for the new Chaos team only a week ago, and its getting released, what, this weekend?), and they're on a slow drip as it is. Plus, the "fun stuff" for Necromunda (guilds, outlanders, my precious ratskins etc) is at least a year away.
Plus, as far as I can tell, there hasn't been an update on Adeptus Titanicus in nearly a year. And the last update was to say that they were changing the scale to 8mm (so f**k you veterans - buy a whole new army already!).
I mean, that's why they cut Fantasy - why hold a failing line/line that isn't going to give you as big a return on investment when you can dedicate your resources to line that is already a success?