Its a pity Warcradle won't share any decent pictures, instead leaving it to fans to get potato shots that many not do the ships justice.
Well, the modern cellphone has a camera more than a match for CLR cameras of ten, fiteen years ago, so I'm not convinced of that argument. Besides, if you take a photo of a potato you have to expect it to look like a potato unless you Photoshop it until it looks like Kim Kardashian ( Whci may be harsh . . . However, they have the same skin tone . . . Come to think of it, they have aome other similariteis . . . Has anyone seen Kim and a potato in the same place at the same time . . . I'm drifting ).
It could also be the opposite, like Revell USA did in the 1970s - replaced artwork on boxtops with photos of poorly- assembled models , to avoid being sued by disgruntled customers for misrepresentation ( They diod this on legal advice, not from any
actual litigation I might add ); That killed a lot of sales, and may well have been a contributing factor in their demise.
In all events, that picture of the Covenant cruiser is much more like the artwork, and frankly, it
does work for me - I'd use it as a Heavy Armoured Cruiser, with similar weapons to a combined Plato and Fresnel. Maybe the other was kjust one of those "dud" designs you see in an entire range. I'd take 3, and I'll add it to the price for how much you have to pay me to take to have the "whale launcher" as it stands - Heck, knock USD500 off that two grand, I like the cruiser that much!
All rather moot in any case, as in reply to a friend's query on FB's Sturginium Lounge, Richard of Warcradle commented - "I don’t think we at any point have said pieces printed and painted for demo of the game rules are production models. They are simply for demonstration purposes." So,, since it's similar to the comments about FSA's return and artwork thereof, it seems Warcradle policy.