But I'm sure I'm just in a minority
The way Warcradle
censor criiticism carefully monitor social media for negativity, I wouldn't be enitrely sure of that.
As for myself, I don't utterly hate this lot. There's a distinct Spartn indian Raj feel to the general shape of the other ships that we've seen (
YES, I'll try and get pictures . . ), and I can comfort myself that these might not even be finalised designs as they keep saying. That sub has a lot of original KoB feel, but as you say RuelBritannia, not quite enough. And that decoration on it . . . James mason would
plotz if he saw it.
I just don't like the background, the move towards a more skirmish game like mechanic, and the attitude of the company. Which is why i'm sticking to 2.5 and endeavouring to tidy up those rules. It worked with netEpic, it can work