quite naval wargaming-related, Dale...

But to answer your question: Collectormania does a Legion open-play day once a month, usually on a Saturday (next one is 20 April). They used to do it every first Saturday, but the week has been changing from month to month for awhile now. Thursday night is Star Wars night at Gamer's Haven, and from talking to Ed at the store last week, it sounds as if more people are starting to come out to play on Thursday nights (apparently there was a personality there some time back that drove some of the Legion players away). I try to get down there on Thursday nights at least a couple times a month. The Haven is also doing a Star Wars day on May 4th, and I'll be there running a Legion table (trying to get all my terrain from Adepticon ready so I can do a desert town-themed table).
Not sure about points north of Parker and south of the Springs, but I understand there are Legion players in both Denver and Pueblo as well. If you're on the Facebook, suggest you look up 5280 Legion...central resource for Legion players in Colorado. I'm planning to be at the Haven on the 11th, but I'm involved in a mini-campaign with another player there right now. You could also ping the Haven forum and see if anyone is up for a teaching game (I assume you haven't played?). It really is a good game. Or, you could come out to Collectormania on the 20th and I'd be happy to run you through a game. I'm sure FFG will tweak the rules a bit when the Clones and Droids are released, but I'm also pretty sure the basics of the game will stay the same. That would give you a chance to try out the rules so you wouldn't be starting from square one when you get your Droids.
And I might be open to swapping my droids for your Clones when that starter is released. I'm pretty excited about the expansion into the Clone Wars era!