C'mon, man, like I NEED an excuse to buy more DW resin!
You all are probably right--I just need to give it some more time. Will be heading back to Gamer's Haven tomorrow after work, and I'll be taking my FSA & my X-wing minis...we'll see what pans out.
Ruckdog....it's ME... How do you think my French are coming along???
. Actually, I had gotten quite a bit done on my Voltaire squadron when I realized just how many half-finished models are laying around my hobby room, so I put the Voltaires on hold while I try to finish a TIE Interceptor that I started longer ago than I care to admit.
Funny--it isn't the best kit, but the wings have a lot of surface detail, and after spending the last 18 months or so only working on DW models, I can't let the details go without getting SOME sort of paint on them. Which means I'm making what should be a two-week kit into something that's taking a lot longer.
Will keep you all posted on my DW efforts out here.