This thread will contain a running list of players, the games they play, and their location. Participation is entirely voluntary, but highly encouraged! The goal is to make it easier for all of us to find other players in our area. In order to get your name added to the list, please post with your country/state of residence, and the games you play.
United States
treadhead1944 (Detroit) - BFG
Andrewchristlieb (Jackson) - BFG
David.vajgrt (Austin) - Dystopian Wars, Historical
dregogg (Dallas) - BFG, Sci-Fi games
CPTPromotable (San Angelo) - Uncharted Seas, Dystopian Wars
don_mondo (Woodbridge) - Dystopian Wars
Draefli (Alexandria) - Dystopian Wars
MadDrB (Culpeper) - Dystopian Wars, Uncharted Seas, Historical
Orangetom (Fredericksburg) - Dystopian Wars
RandomBrit (Fredericksburg) - Dystopian Wars
Ruckdog (Norfolk) - Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, BFG, Axis & Allies War at Sea
Syroc (Alexandria) - Dystopian Wars
technotemplar (Fredericksburg) - BFG