Author Topic: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?  (Read 1645 times)

Easy E

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End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« on: December 27, 2021, 01:35:35 pm »
2021 is coming quickly to a close, and it is time for us all to reflect on what we have achieved and accomplished for our hobby over the year.

I have a blog post up on the topic for those so inclined:

The highlights are below:

1. No more pile of shame!
2. I painted 300+ miniatures this year, mostly ancients.  I did do some Space Mecha and a couple flying battleships too.     
3. Published the 2nd of 3 Blue Books for Osprey- Wars of the Republic
4, Got three publications to my Wargame Vault page this year
5. Played about 2 games a month, and about 6 or so Naval/Aerial/Space wargames
6. Have a regular RPG group going
7. Improved my website and started a Patreon

Overall, not a bad year! 

How about you?  What did you finish up in 2021?  Time to show off!  Pictures are encouraged! 
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Re: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2021, 02:37:20 am »

The ships I made it through this year are in the shipyard, and another goal that I hit was finally figuring a storage solution that works.  Ninety percent of my models are now safely in foam, and the remainder should be on their way as well shortly.

My biggest accomplishment of the year was finally having my wife show a small interest in miniatures... she walked by as I was working on an Armada ship and said "isn't that a fantasy thing, where are all the spaceships?" so I am making progress.

My goal for 2022 is to move from 0 games played, to at least 0-1 games played.
If my wife asks, I only spent half as much as I wanted to...


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Re: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2022, 08:00:24 pm »
Well, let's see -

 1. Completed my DW Republic of Egypt force (Only one Carrier in it, but maybe that will change )

 2. Acquired a considerable DW Dominion of Canada force, now in the process of painting the other half for the summer.

 3.  Been getting into the vast world of 3D printing, mostly through stl and public access print. Very impressed with what is available, and have a bit of space scenery ready for games in the new year.

 4. Been very involved in DW gaming with the local groups; Must have played almost 35 games this year, though best not discuss my win/loss/draw stats, shall we?  :D :D

 5. Scratch built some items for DW as well; regular readers will have seen my take on the Quebec sky fortress and the civil dirigible liner I have posted, and that Brigade Models mini will get some more work as a base for expanded aerial assets for the EIMC in 2022.

 That's about it for fleet games this year.


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Re: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2022, 04:01:12 pm »
Well, painting-wise it wasn't a spectacular year

My painting was:
- 35 models for Epic Armageddon;
- 11 ships for Battlefleet Gothic (my first ever for that game)
- 6 stands for Warmaster
- 5 40k old Space Hulk (2nd Ed) Terminators
- 62 models and stands for 6mm WWIII gaming set in 1985

so that was only 11 naval models - this year I'm planning on painting some Russians for my Dystopian Wars fleets (I'm aiming to try DW3.0) and a small 1000 point Ork fleet for BFG.
I'm also planning on trying out Imperial Skies (I've got a French, a British and a Prussian fleet) and maybe Castles in the Sky, which I believe will be coming out this year (by you, no @EasyE?)

I also want to try Naval Command (I painted a Soviet and a US fleet in 2020 - about 30-35 vessels)

Boardgamewise, this is the year I finally get Indian Ocean Region and South China Sea to the table - I'm looking into getting Flying Colors as well.


PS picture of Epic Armageddon models I painted this year

PPS not painted this year pic of French aeronef/imperial skies fleet. Also, Soviet 1/3000 scale fleet:

« Last Edit: January 10, 2022, 04:03:54 pm by rastamann »


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Re: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2022, 07:07:53 pm »
Wow! Some great work being posted here. I was not nearly so productive this year as most of you where! I started all kinds of projects, but the only one I really got to any kind of "finished" state were some of my Victory At Sea models (1/1800 scale WWII):

Easy E

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Re: End of 2021- What Did You Accomplish?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2022, 08:00:09 pm »
Great pictures of some great fleets!
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