Author Topic: Selling new Dystopian Wars and Dropfleet Commander  (Read 9804 times)


  • Lieutenant J.G.
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Selling new Dystopian Wars and Dropfleet Commander
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:28:51 am »
Hi everybody,
I have been hanging on to my Dystopian Wars (Spartan Era) and Dropfleet Commander (Hawk Wargames Kickstarter) models and it is time that they find a home with someone who will have the time to enjoy them.

I am based in Germany, so shipping within the EU will be quite cheap, but I can ship worldwide (it is just a matter of shipping costs, which are rather high at the moment).
All models are new.

Here is what I have for Dystopian Wars:

Kingdom of Britannia - Naval Battle Group
Kingdom of Britannia - Support Flotilla
Kingdom of Britannia - Wolf Pack Flotilla
Kingdom of Denmark - Korsor Class Minelayer (6x)
Kingdom of Denmark - Naval Battle Group
League of Italian States -Scutum Class Escort Frigates (10x)
Prussian Empire - Arminius Frigate (6x)
Prussian Empire - Wachter Class Escort (6x)
Republique of France - Aerial Battle Group
Republique of France - Gascony MkI & MkII Battleship
Republique of France - Lyon Class Frigate (6x)
Republique of France - Support Flotilla

In addition to this list, I have two items which I can't identify:

Republique of France ? - Frigate/Escort (looks similar to the Lyon Class Frigates) (3x)
Prussian Empire ? - Frigate/Escort (I checked online for pictures but couldn't find a match, the models have the German cross on them, which makes me think that they are for the Prussians) (4x)

I bought all of those packs when Spartan Games went belly up and paid 290 EUR for the whole lot.
Now I would like to sell it - if possible also as a (partial) lot instead of posting a dozen or so parcels individually.
I checked on eBay for comparative prices in 2023 and based on sold items the total price today would be around 295 EUR.
I would be happy to sell it to you guys for 190 EUR (plus shipping).
And if you are interested in just parts of the lot, please let me know as well, I am sure we can find a good deal.


And here is my Dropfleet Commander stuff, that needs a new home:

Bases - 20 sprues + Flight Stands - 4 sprues + Hawk Widgets - 1 sprue
Civilian Cruise Liner - 4 models
Launch Assets (Fighters, Bombers and Torpedos) - 2 sprues
Modular Space Station - 4 sprues
PHR Cruisers - 5 sprues
PHR Cruisers with Battlecruiser upgrade bits - 1 sprue
PHR Frigates - 2 sprues
Rulebook (2016)
Rulebook (2016) (slipcase damaged)
Scourge cruisers - 4 sprues
Scourge frigates - 3 sprues
Shaltari Cruisers - 6 sprues
Shaltari Cruisers with Battlecruiser upgrade bits - 1 sprue
Shaltari Frigates - 2 sprues
UCM Cruisers - 7 sprues
UCM Cruisers with Battlecruiser upgrade bits - 2 sprues
UCM Frigates - 4 sprues

All of this came from the Dropfleet Kickstarter plus add-ons that Hawk Wargames ran in 2016.
TTCombat sells most of these models still today (except for the Civilian Cruise Liner, which was a KS exclusive, the first edition rulebooks and the Battlecruiser upgrade bits also seem to have vanished (and being replaced by Resin models)) and buying all those sprues in the TTComabt webstore would cost 1000 GBP (1137 EUR).
Again, I would be happy to sell it as a lot, and I would be willing to part with it all for 500 EUR plus shipping.

But if you are interested in just parts, I put together the following "starter fleets":

PHR set (6 Cruiser sprues, 1 Battlecruiser upgrade bit set, 2 Frigate sprues, 4 base sprues) - 125 EUR (plus shipping)
Scourge set (4 Cruiser sprues, 3 Frigate sprues, 4 base sprues) - 100 EUR (plus shipping)
Shaltari set (7 Cruiser sprues, 1 Battlecruiser upgrade bit set, 2 Frigate sprues, 5 base sprues) - 150 EUR (plus shipping)
UCM set (9 Cruiser sprues, 2 Battlecruiser upgrade bit set, 4 Frigate sprues, 7 base sprues) - 200 EUR (plus shipping)

Just let me know if you are interested in any of these, ok?
Thanks and happy gaming,


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Re: Selling new Dystopian Wars and Dropfleet Commander
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2024, 02:43:56 pm »
I live in the Netherlands, is the Dystopian wars still available?


  • Lieutenant J.G.
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Re: Selling new Dystopian Wars and Dropfleet Commander
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2024, 02:13:13 pm »
Hi there,
sorry, I just now saw your reply.
Yes, everything listed is still available.

All the best,