Here is the link to the studio that is working on it: they pull this off, it could very well launch HH as the next big SF franchise, probably the biggest thing since Star Trek and Star Wars. If they don't....we'll have another Wing Commander movie on our hands, I guess. What I find interesting is that Evergreen is going completely cross-platform on this thing. They are pushing games, apps, graphic novels, and the like along with the movie. Reminds me of Yogurt in Space Balls...
EDIT: Looks like they have greatly expanded the Tales of Honor portion of their website: iOS game appears to be just around the corner, which is exciting. I'm not sure how I feel about them changing up the looks of the ships so much...I get the point about it possibly being too confusing, but then again a key part of the series is that ships look generally similar because they all work in similar ways, and form follows function. Still, I can probably get past that if the rest of it is really well made
. A lot of the concept art reminds me a lot of the Mass Effect series, which is a good thing.