I think the site does fine as is. Only real change I would make is the banners--maybe incorporate pics from the painting contests.
To be honest, I rarely look at the blog. I'm more interested in the discussion boards, and the topics/discussions therein.
I noticed one of the options in the poll was for a "non-naval wargaming" section to be added. Much as I would like to post my Dystopian Legions pictures and battle reports, the thing that sets MBS apart (to me) is that it is naval-focused. I think we sail pretty close to the wind with things like X-Wing (I love it when a pun comes together), but the overall naval nature of MBS is it's defining characteristic. Just about every other wargaming forum out there caters to all genres of gaming, and I don't want to see MBS get overrun with Warhammer, Warmachine, and Flames of War players/discussions. Not that those aren't good games, and not that the players aren't good people, but...I feel that there are more ground-combat players out there than there are naval combat, so MBS is catering to a unique set of gamers.
Just my $0.02. I think we have a good thing going here, and I'm happy to be a part of it!