I think I found a better reference sheet from the guys over on the Element 270 site. These guys are in Australia, but they have been extremely active, especially with their new podcast devoted to all things Dystopian Wars, including some interviews with Neil and others from the Spartan Games team.
Check out their downloads page:
http://element270.wordpress.com/downloads/Particularly the reference sheets:
https://element270.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/dw2_summary_tables_v11.pdfI finally pulled the trigger and ordered the new 2-player box from my FLGS in Culpeper. I'm going to set up some demo games, see if I can recruit some new players. I've been distracted by some other games lately, but DW is still my favorite miniatures tabletop game, and it still seems to be played.
I really want to organize a charity event in the fall--something along the lines of Foodmachine. Bring some canned food, cash in for some re-rolls, play some games and help a non-profit cause?