This post is a little late, thanks to some photo app issues on my iPad.
Last weekend, the Denver Area Spartan Gamers made our first foray as a group into Dystopian Wars 2.0 at Collectormania in Parker:
Collectormania was hosting a Pathfinder RPG tournament that day, so we were relegated to one table--for 6 fleets. There was about 3000 points' worth of models on the table.
We ran 2 FSA and 1 Black Wolf fleets against a Russian, Danish, and Prussian fleet. It was a lot of mayhem. Because of all the models, and some time constraints, I think we only completed one full turn, but what a turn it was.
We had 6 magazine explosion critical hits, most of which destroyed both the target model and a few innocent bystanders. We also had one Sturginium Flare crit, which pushed one of the Black Wolf skimmers right into a Danish ship--a cruiser, I believe.
(Those Black Wolf skimmers are pretty sweet looking. First time I'd seen them on the table.)
The Danish player thought he got off lucky--until a magazine explosion on the skimmer sent it and one of his cruisers to the bottom. I think the explosion also damaged the Prussian Imperium that was nearby. All this happened on the far side of the table from me--I was getting manhandled by some Russian ships, to include a magazine explosion that basically made a healthy squadron of Georgetown cruisers combat ineffective.
It was a good chance for us to shake out the rules and try a few new things. Good times were had by all, and a few of us hit the nearby Village Inn to discuss tactics and strategeries afterward (because we're crazy like that).
Looks like our next meetup will be Firestorm Armada. Will post pics after that adventure. We have a good group if I could just get them into Dystopian Legions...