It may be Dec before I'm in a position to play Planetfall between work, vacation, and assembly of models, but I'll let you know if I'm ready before.
Here's some more findings from my review of the rulebook.
It's still alternating squadron-by-squadron activation BUT it is also Helix-by-Helix. Once a player activates a squadron/model from a particular Helix, the player must continue to activate squadrons/models from that helix until they have all been activated. Only then can the player move on to squadrons/models from a different Helix. So, for example, if I activate a squadron in my Recon Helix, I have to continue activating squadrons from that Helix until they've all been activated before I could activate a squadron from any other helix in my Battle Group. NOTE: A Battle Group is composed of a single Core Helix plus all attached Helix's. According to the rules, players should agree on not only max points but also number of Battle Groups allowed prior to the game.
DR / Hit Points:
These are now combined into a single field on the model's stat card. Using the Leviathan example from the rulebook, it has a DR of 9+9+9. This means it has 3 Hit Points (each 9) and it takes 9 successes on a To Hit roll to take down one of those HP. For comparison, the Aquan Heavy Skimmer has a DR of 6+5+5, and the Dindrenzi Heavy Crawler has a DR of 7+6+6. In the same order, the mediums are DR 6+5 and DR 7+6, the Lights are both DR 4, and Infantry are both DR 3. The Terquai Drones are classed Heavy Infantry and are DR 4.
Ordinance Fire:
Range is broken into Effective and Long Range, each with their own AD.
Line of Sight is very simple, just any point on firing model's base to any point on target model's base.
Armored size class can see over the Light class but are blocked by other Armored and Elevated (Leviathans and Buildings). Light class can see over Armored to shoot at Elevated. Elevated are only blocked by other Elevated and Flyers never block or have LoS impeded.
Range is measured from the closest point on the furthest firing model's base to the closest point on the closest target model's base. If a model in the squadon has LoS from all firing models blocked by intervening terrain, then that model can't be damaged by the attack against the squadron.
All AD can Combine provided they either have the same MAR or no MAR.
Once you assemble your AD pool, roll using the Red D6 mechanic. Overwatch (yes, there's Overwatch!) hits on a 5+, Placed Shots (such as from Focused Fire when remaining stationary) hit on a 3+, and normal Move&Shoot shots hit on a 4+.
Take all your success dice and set them aside.
Damage is allocated by taking your success dice and, starting with the closest target model, put a number of dice needed to reach that model's DR next to that target. If the target has more than one HP, repeat this for all HP on the target until the target would be destroyed. If there are any Hit Dice left over, move on to the next closest model in the squadron and repeat. If you've done this for all models in the target squadron and still have dice left over, set them to the side, these are Floating Dice.
If the target squadron has shields, combine all the shield dice for the squadron and roll them using the Red D6 mechanic. Each shield save takes away a hit die, starting with the Floating Dice pool and then working backwards from the furthest model in the target squadron to the closest.
Now allocate damage to those models that still have a number of hit dice on them equal to their DRs.
Last, if any damage was done, take a Disorder Check. I won't go into the modifiers, but basically it's 3D6 using the Red mechanic. You need a number of successes equal to or greater than the number of damage markers placed on the squadron in that firing phase. If you pass, nothing happens. If you fail, place a number of Disorder markers on the squadron equal to the shortfall in your roll (so if you needed 3 successes and only got 1, you'd put 2 Disorder markers on the squadron). In the end phase, each Disorder marker automatically turns into a Damage marker. If there are enough Disorder markers on the squadron that it would be destroyed in the End Phase, then the squadron is considered to have Forlorn Hope and they get all kinds of crazy bonuses for the rest of that turn.
Some things to note on shooting, you do get bonuses against the target's DR if you fire from within the target's Flank or Aft arcs. You have to meet some restrictions like having at over 50% of the firing squadron in that arc, but it can really make maneuver worthwhile.