Announcing the first contest since this spring's Painting Contest!
I recently came into possession of an extra copy of the book
Fatal Choices, which was written by a good friend named Seth Owen. He is also a member of the forums; he goes by wargammer55 here. His book details some of the early naval actions of the first World War, and gives readers the opportunity to live history by replaying the events with a set of naval wargaming rules included in the book. But what to do with an extra copy? And then it hit me...why not give it away as a contest prize?!
And so I shall. Here are the details:
In order to enter this contest, you will need to write a battle report of some kind. It can be for any naval game. You can choose to include as much or as little detail as you like. Pictures, diagrams, etc. are obviously beneficial, though not necessarily required. You will have two months to put your entries together; the deadline for this contest will be
23 January, 2015. Your entry will need to be posted on the forums as its own separate thread. You can put that thread anywhere it fits (for example, if it is a DW battle report, feel free to post it in the DW General Discussion area). However, please post in this thread with a link to your entry, so I know which one your are planning on using. After the deadline, I will be picking the winner! Even if you do not win, I plan on posting all entries on the blog as well. Good Luck!
UPDATE 2/2: Screw deadlines! The first valid submission I get for this contest wins.