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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2015, 12:22:41 pm »


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2015, 01:01:50 pm »
Holy. Crap.

I'm in.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2015, 03:08:56 pm »
I told myself I didn't need another fleet based game....
I think I just decided I need another fleet based game.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2015, 04:36:23 pm »
I just hope they don't slight the development of current games for the new game.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2015, 04:40:42 pm »
Seconded on the "distraction factor". In hindsight, I wish GW had never gotten the LOTR license, for instance...

So, as someone who knows NOTHING of HALO, how many factions are there? I gather 2 human and one alien, but that's all I know...
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2015, 05:11:51 pm »
Dale, there are two factions: the Covenant, which is actually made up of several differnt alien races but bound together thru a shared religious belief system, and the Unted Nations Space Command, otherwise known as the UNSC. They are, as far as I know, strictly human.

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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2015, 05:25:21 pm »
Not to mention the flood... Which as far as I know are not spacefaring. But I'm sure they won't be able to resist down the road.

I will purchase for the models alone. But I do agree that hopefully it does not cause interuptions in their current line-up. We know they are already notorious for delays.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2015, 05:41:31 pm »
Not to mention the flood... Which as far as I know are not spacefaring. But I'm sure they won't be able to resist down the road.

I will purchase for the models alone. But I do agree that hopefully it does not cause interuptions in their current line-up. We know they are already notorious for delays.

This was posted on Spartan's forum a little while ago:

Posted Today, 12:37 PM
From Spartan_Neil himself:
"Hi Folks,

I thought I would answer a few questions on the forum to help us all acclimatise to the exciting news that we will be working with Microsoft to design tabletop games for the phenomenon that is Halo.

So, here goes:

1) The IP for Halo is owned by Microsoft. Spartan Games' role is to work with the Halo team to bring the stunning imagery of the Halo Universe to the tabletop.

2) Spartan Games owns the IP for Firestorm Armada, Firestorm Planetfall, Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Uncharted Seas and so on. These are game settings we are very proud of and this thrilling new development will not impact our existing plans for any of our games.

3) One of the questions raised, was that of manufacturing capacity. Halo is a game that is being realised in plastics, and we are proud to say that it will be manufactured in the United Kingdom. This external manufacturing process will ensure that our resin and pewter manufacturing will not be adversely affected.

4) As to whether our Halo games and other Spartan products can work together is not an issue. They are distinct gaming products that use their own rule set and mechanics - they are not designed to operate together because they exist in two completely different science fiction genres.

5) We have been working on the Halo project with Microsoft since early 2014 and have been careful to factor in its release schedule to complement the release schedules of our other games. Indeed, look out for many more announcements regarding existing and new products directly from Spartan Games.

Rest assured that we will be working on all of our games over the coming years, and we are hugely excited to be given the opportunity to work with Microsoft as bring such an exciting Universe to the gaming table.

Spartan Neil"
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2015, 07:23:44 pm »
A fleet game! How exciting! Here are the ships so far:

As a naval gaming enthusiast and Spartan Games fan, I'm definitely interested. The fact that it is Halo is interesting to me not so much because of the license itself; though I enjoy Halo games, it's not one of my favorite franchises. Rather, the name-recognition and wide-spread appeal means that there will probably be a good-sized player base for these games. We shall see!

One problem that I can see arising is the lack of factions and ship types in the universe. X-wing gets away with this because, you know, Star Wars. I'm concerned that the Halo IP isn't strong enough to do the same.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2015, 07:45:35 pm »
Is halo more popular than b5?

LotR/SBG had a great rules set and relied on popular films AND a beloved universe
It is in the process of being dropped by GW . . . After what cost who knows

I would hate to see this drag spartan games down
Firestorm: Aquan, Directorate, Retholza, Hawker (FsA)/ Terran (FsPf), RSN (FsA)/ Dindrenzi (FsPf)
Warmaster: Kislev, Khemri, Dwarves,
BFG: Pacification Fleet (IN), Tau Expeditionary (SG), Battlefleet (Chaos), Kher-Ys Corsairs, Crusade Fleet (IN),
LotR: Khand, Gondor, Mordor


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2015, 08:43:28 pm »
Is halo more popular than b5?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes...with absolutely no empirical data to back it up, my gut feeling is that there are far more folks who have played and like Halo than were fans of Babylon 5.

LotR/SBG had a great rules set and relied on popular films AND a beloved universe
It is in the process of being dropped by GW . . . After what cost who knows

I would hate to see this drag spartan games down

Aye, that is a risk. Only time will tell. Spartan Neil's post does suggest that this game will be somewhat insulated from Spartan's main business, though. That should help mitigate the risk quite a bit.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2015, 09:32:33 pm »
Well, I have to say that I'm happier than a pig in...well, you know. So now that the announcement is out, let's talk about what we want to see in a Halo-based fleet combat game!

Here's what I'm thinking:

For the UNSC, I would like to see AIs aboard at least the larger ships--maybe cruisers and above. Maybe this could be card driven--sorta like upgrade cards in X-Wing for the astromech droids. AIs would have specific abilities, making each fleet fight somewhat differently.

For the Covenant, I'd like to see the High Prophets/Hierarchs come in to play. Maybe something similar to the AIs for the UNSC--each would bring a specific flavor to the Covenant fleet on the board. A Covie fleet under the Prophet of Regret would play differently from a Covie fleet under the Prophet of Truth, for example. Maybe each Hierarch would boost certain stats for the fleet--that way you could use the same models.

Just spitballing' here.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2015, 11:41:46 pm »
I listened to the Element270 podcast today, where Spartan Neil and Spartan Derek were interviewed about the Halo announcement, the Spartan Games Kickstarter terrain project, and Firestorm Spec Ops. Here are the major points I gleaned from the podcast.

1. We will see the initial models for the Halo game in the first half of 2015. (Woohoo!)

2. Spartan Games has been given permission by Microsoft to design ships that were never seen in any of the Halo games, commercials, videos, etc. So any ship that was featured in any of the fluff for the console/PC games, Spartan can actually visualize on their own. (I assume they have to get Microsoft's approval on their ship designs, but I don't know that for sure).

3. There will be no fleet-building rules in the Halo fleet game. They said that they want players to be free to use whatever combination of ships they need to use to defeat the enemy. I have no idea how this will work with linked/combined fire, etc. I also imagine that there will be drawbacks to running a fleet of only big ships--you'd do fine against other big ships, but would likely get chewed up by frigates and corvettes.

4. The UNSC and Covenant fleets were described as both being apex predators, but different kinds of predators. The Covenant rely on quality over quantity, and have large, very destructive weapons. The UNSC are almost the opposite, and overwhelm their enemies with large numbers of smaller ships.

5. Firestorm Spec Ops is still a go. But they said that it is not designed to be a massive force-on-force game--it is literally a special operations game, where you'll have small teams of highly trained soldiers working to achieve specific missions. It almost sounds to me like it won't even be a skirmish-level game, like Dystopian Legions is.

That's all I can remember. They also talked quite a bit about the modular terrain system, and mentioned situations where you could actually build the inside of a frigate from Firestorm Armada and play out a boarding action in 28mm. Cool possibilities, to be sure!
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2015, 08:29:40 am »
I listened to the Element270 podcast today, where Spartan Neil and Spartan Derek were interviewed about the Halo announcement, the Spartan Games Kickstarter terrain project, and Firestorm Spec Ops. Here are the major points I gleaned from the podcast.

I had seen this as well, but I haven't listened to it yet!

1. We will see the initial models for the Halo game in the first half of 2015. (Woohoo!)

That's exciting news, indeed. I'm hoping that we will see the actual game's release by the end of the year!

2. Spartan Games has been given permission by Microsoft to design ships that were never seen in any of the Halo games, commercials, videos, etc. So any ship that was featured in any of the fluff for the console/PC games, Spartan can actually visualize on their own. (I assume they have to get Microsoft's approval on their ship designs, but I don't know that for sure).

It's good that this has been confirmed, though I had kind of assumed it was a given. There just isn't a lot of cannon ships to go off of (ie, things seen in the games) to make enough variety, I fear. Similar to BSG, in some ways; the universe is awesome, and makes a great setting for a space combat game, but would be a bit limited without the addition of other ships not seen in the series.

3. There will be no fleet-building rules in the Halo fleet game. They said that they want players to be free to use whatever combination of ships they need to use to defeat the enemy.

Interesting...and somewhat concerning. The devil, as always, will be in the details. This could be interpreted to mean that there will be no point values of any kind attached to the ships, but I'm not sure how that would work. More likely, it will just mean that there will be no "order of battle" requirements (ie, you must have so many points in Large models, so many in Medium, etc).

I have no idea how this will work with linked/combined fire, etc. I also imagine that there will be drawbacks to running a fleet of only big ships--you'd do fine against other big ships, but would likely get chewed up by frigates and corvettes.

Well, keep in mind, the answer might possibly be that the linked/combined fire rules simply do not exist in the Halo game. We are getting hints and indications that the rules for this game will be significantly different than Spartan's standard engine, after all. We could wind up with a game that does not have exploding D6s, linking, MARs, or any of the other features we have come to associate with US/FSA/DW.

4. The UNSC and Covenant fleets were described as both being apex predators, but different kinds of predators. The Covenant rely on quality over quantity, and have large, very destructive weapons. The UNSC are almost the opposite, and overwhelm their enemies with large numbers of smaller ships.

So, it sounds like different play styles are being built into the factions from the start; that's good to hear!

5. Firestorm Spec Ops is still a go. But they said that it is not designed to be a massive force-on-force game--it is literally a special operations game, where you'll have small teams of highly trained soldiers working to achieve specific missions. It almost sounds to me like it won't even be a skirmish-level game, like Dystopian Legions is.

I guess it depends on what your definition of a skirmish game me, any game that features around a dozen 28mm models or less on each side would qualify!

That's all I can remember. They also talked quite a bit about the modular terrain system, and mentioned situations where you could actually build the inside of a frigate from Firestorm Armada and play out a boarding action in 28mm. Cool possibilities, to be sure!

Thanks for the run-down! I really need to go and listen to this for myself.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2015, 02:37:49 pm »
It is intriguing to me to hear that it won't be Firestorm with new paint.
I am excited to see what they come up with for their rule set.

For the UNSC, I would like to see AIs aboard at least the larger ships--maybe cruisers and above. Maybe this could be card driven--sorta like upgrade cards in X-Wing for the astromech droids. AIs would have specific abilities, making each fleet fight somewhat differently.

For the Covenant, I'd like to see the High Prophets/Hierarchs come in to play. Maybe something similar to the AIs for the UNSC--each would bring a specific flavor to the Covenant fleet on the board. A Covie fleet under the Prophet of Regret would play differently from a Covie fleet under the Prophet of Truth, for example. Maybe each Hierarch would boost certain stats for the fleet--that way you could use the same models.

All agreed in this Greg! That could really set different "battle groups" apart while potentially staying away from a force organization or point system.