Author Topic: Holy Halo Batman!  (Read 15125 times)


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2015, 05:36:42 pm »
Ruckdog, my assumption would be that there are point values assigned to the models, and you would still agree to a specific point value for the game with your opponent. But you would be free to achieve that point value however you see fit. If you wanted to run 25 frigates, or 5 battlecruisers/battlecarriers (or whatever the big ships will be), that would be up to you. But then you would be limited tactically in what you could do. (And this is all just conjecture on my part).

That being said, economics and model availability may also help determine what players field. For example, if the game is only available in box sets for the first 12 months or so, it might be hard to get your hands on 5 battlecarriers without having to buy 5 boxed sets and getting a slew of other ships you didn't necessarily want. So I think most people will likely still play with small, medium, and large class ships.

One question I have is the number of factions. In the  video/pc games, the only "factions" were the UNSC, the Covenenant, and the Flood. And the Flood was really only encountered on the Halo rings themselves, although they did manage to hijack a Covenenant ship (cruiser, I believe) in Halo 3.  So I wonder if we'll eventually see Flood-infected ships (both human and alien) as a third faction in the space game.

For the ground game, which I assume will come after the fleet game is out, having the Flood as a third faction would be interesting. Another idea, for the ground game at least, would be to have a separatist human faction. The SPARTAN program was designed to quell separatist rebellions on distant human-colonized planets. So, if you wanted to play the game in a "vacuum" (i.e. not following the storyline of the Halo universe at all), you could have Flood fighting human separatists, etc.

One thing I hope they do NOT do is bring the Forerunners in. While they are part of the Halo universe, I think they all died out millenia before the events of the first game.

Do we want to take bets on how long it will be before we see someone who has built at least a portion of a Halo ring structure as a backdrop for their fleet game??

Please pardon my Halo geek-out moment.  :-[
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2015, 09:26:06 pm »
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2015, 10:48:05 pm »
New renders of some of the ships are out!

Covenant heavy cruiser:

Covenant battlecruiser:

Covenant frigate:

UNSC Heavy Carrier:

UNSC Heavy Cruiser:

UNSC Frigate:

Looking good! I especially like the UNSC carrier.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2015, 11:27:56 pm »
I'll reiterate what I said earlier: even if no one in this area gets into this game, I'm buying at least one of every model they make. If for no other reason than to have them painted and set up on my shelf.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2015, 08:09:07 pm »
Took a closer look at the renders today. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on these models. I already have ideas for paint schemes. Most of my ideas are non-canon, but I think they'll look cool anyway.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2015, 11:11:50 pm »
You can count on me to at least buy the models as well...


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2015, 05:48:03 pm »
The most recent episode of the D6G has a pretty lengthy interview with Spartan Games regarding the Halo license:


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2015, 11:00:57 pm »
The most recent episode of the D6G has a pretty lengthy interview with Spartan Games regarding the Halo license:

Yes, very informative, if you can understand their accents!  :P With both Derrick and Neil, it takes my brain about a second to interpret what they've said. Doesn't help that I listened to the podcast in my jeep, which is pretty loud on the inside anyway.

From what I could discern, it sounds like we'll see some sort of two-player box set by the end of July of this year. Ruckdog, does that jive with what you heard?

They also pretty much confirmed there will be a ground game, but they were cagey about the scale. I would think it has to be either 10 or 15 mm. I know they're going with plastics for the fleet game, but I don't know if the ground game will be plastics or resin. Either way, if they go below 10mm it would be too small, and anything over 15mm would just be too big. While I would love to see a Scorpion tank and a Pelican dropship in 28mm, those would be HUGE models--the Scorpion would be longer and taller than a Baneblade. And huge = expensive.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #38 on: March 13, 2015, 12:14:03 am »
I listened to this as well and it seemed to me that we can expect the space game halfway through 2015. Just in time for my wedding and honeymoon (poor poor wallet, and poor poor fianc


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #39 on: March 13, 2015, 11:05:55 am »
From what they said, I got that there's actually TWO ground games:  one at Planetfall scale for tanks and troop stands etc, and one down the road using their SpecOps system in 28 or 30mm. Spec-Ops was developed for the Firestorm galaxy, and stays at a 10-20 fig skirmish match, but there's no need for tanks in that.
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2015, 11:13:52 am »
From what they said, I got that there's actually TWO ground games:  one at Planetfall scale for tanks and troop stands etc, and one down the road using their SpecOps system in 28 or 30mm. Spec-Ops was developed for the Firestorm galaxy, and stays at a 10-20 fig skirmish match, but there's no need for tanks in that.

30 figs was the max count for SpecOps mentioned on the D6G Lost Chapter episode, but otherwise, this was my take too.

The most recent episode of the D6G has a pretty lengthy interview with Spartan Games regarding the Halo license:

Yes, very informative, if you can understand their accents!  :P With both Derrick and Neil, it takes my brain about a second to interpret what they've said. Doesn't help that I listened to the podcast in my jeep, which is pretty loud on the inside anyway.

From what I could discern, it sounds like we'll see some sort of two-player box set by the end of July of this year. Ruckdog, does that jive with what you heard?

They also pretty much confirmed there will be a ground game, but they were cagey about the scale. I would think it has to be either 10 or 15 mm. I know they're going with plastics for the fleet game, but I don't know if the ground game will be plastics or resin. Either way, if they go below 10mm it would be too small, and anything over 15mm would just be too big. While I would love to see a Scorpion tank and a Pelican dropship in 28mm, those would be HUGE models--the Scorpion would be longer and taller than a Baneblade. And huge = expensive.

Pretty much, though like Dale my understanding was that the 28mm game was going to be infantry-focused instead. I do hope we will see some vehicles, like the Warthog, in the 28mm game eventually, though!


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2015, 11:49:13 am »
First look at actual models:

I'm impressed, they look pretty good! Although I'm going to paint my Covenant more colorfully, I think.

Also, if you scroll farther down the page, there are some cool Planetfall pics as well (Leviathans!).
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2015, 05:14:54 pm »
In regards to the marine Question, from what I have read and understood of the game universe, its not that marines Suck or ODST Suck. Its the fact that the Covenant overwhelm the terran forces like the chinese did to the americans in the korean war. Yes the aliens have plasma, but they don't really understand how the shit works. So when things break down they do not know how to fix them compared to the humans.


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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2015, 05:17:40 pm »
If I'm perceiving that scale right, esp the carrier, I wonder how this even plays on tabletop. When things get that big, movement becomes quickly moot...
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Re: Holy Halo Batman!
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2015, 06:16:28 pm »
From the looks of it, there is a large, Dystopian Wars style two peg flight stand behind them. All of the ships look to be within a similar size range as that flight stand except for the largest covenant ship.

It looks relatively comparable to the same scales of Firestorm as far as the sizes of the models. However I agree with you if and when they start putting out the really big stuff.