Hi guys, here is my entry for the MBS Painting Contest 2015:

Preparation - The Vanguard received some light sanding before a spray primer of Tamiya TS-4 German Grey, a clear coat was then added, this process was repeated a second time to gain some smoothness on the surface of this Shapeways miniature. Also further port holes were drilled into the upper superstructure using a pin vice to add some detail, these were done following carefully pictures and plans from HMS Vanguard scale models.
Painting - Vanguard was painted using a Nuln Oil (Citadel) wash, before receiving a two-tone dry-brush with Dawnstone and Administratum Grey (Citadel). A hi-light of a lightened Administratum Grey/White Scar (Citadel) approx 70/30 ratio. A secondary wash of a slightly lightened Nuln Oil was then added overall, before a final hi-light of the Administratum Grey/White Scar mixture. The deck was treated with a Red Leather #70818 (Vallejo) base coat, and Woodgrain Transperant #70828 (Vallejo) wash, before a two-tone wet-brush blend of Bleached Bone/Sunburst Yellow (Citadel)/Water mixture approx 85/5/10 ratio. These pre-mixed colours one with about 10% White Scar (Citadel) constitute the two tones used on the deck using a gradual build up of shade. A further watered down wash of Woodgrain Transperant #70828 is then applied before a final wet-brush hi-light of the lightened deck mixture, other inks and washes used for detailing from Art Spectrum, Vallejo & Citadel.
Base - The base is made from 5mm Balsa, the water effect is created using modelling putty and Vallejo Water Effects, the whole base was then base coated in Imperial Blue #72.020 (Vallejo) before a clear coat being added. After fixing the miniature to the base, detailing, using a 3 tone blue to aqua to light blue effect. Lightened Imperial Blue (Vallejo), to Hawk Turquoise (Citadel) and darkened Ice Blue (Citadel) before the white water being dry-brushed and hi-lighted in Scar White.
Thank you for your consideration this year, and good luck to all entries.
