G'day Ruckster,
Thanks mate, competition has got a way of bringing out your very best, in this company I must say I have never felt more intimidated in my life, for these guys are not just artists but true specialists in their fields. I have been looking through some of the threads here in the Showcase section for the past few days and "sweaty palms" is a good way to describe my reaction to it. Good Heavens these guys are good, you guys have nothing but my humble admiration and deepest respect.
On this gallery I have made sure I have entered some of my oldest work as well as some of my more contemporary stuff, it was a great way to show the evolution of experimental techniques, that have slowly developed over the years. The Mongoose HMS Rodney is (perhaps) the best miniature I have ever painted, some 18 years after I first started painting it feels like I am finally getting close to the place I always wanted to get to in terms of detail and technique package. Perhaps that is also largely due to the outstanding level of detail on Mongoose Publishing's Victory at Sea Miniatures. Either way guys it has been an amazing journey of discovery and the people I have been honoured to meet and share that journey with has made it extremely educational and rewarding.
Thanks to forums such as this one I can sit here half a world away and still get to admire the work of other extremely talented artists and learn from them.
Thanks guys for your comments, the admiration and respect flows both ways, believe me.

And finally thanks Ruckdog for the opportunity to show some of my work.