So, I think I've got most of the forum issues on the run! In addition to the basic functionality, I have the following features and functions we had before the crash put back together, including:
-Rotating Banners
I've also added the following new functions:
-Renaming the "child boards" to "Sub-Forums"
Still left to fix:
-Global Announcements: I have been unable to restore the Global Announcements mod I was using, due to database errors. In order to fix these, I would need to do some more intensive maintenance and restoration of the forums, which I am naturally hesitant to do after having just patched them back together again! In the mean time, I created an Announcements sub-forum at the top of the Home page as a stop-gap.
-The dice-roller function has not yet been re-installed. I suspect I might get similar database errors, though, so we will see.
Thanks again for all your patience! I'm on a bit of steep learning curve at the moment when it comes to SMF.