OK, so finally had my first game using the Firestorm rules for my B5 Ships and it was interesting. A little difficult as trying to learn the rules and the B5 Conversion at the same time but the guys I gamed with were positive so that's a bonus.
The fleet lists were provided by Stephan (many thanks) and were:
Earth Alliance: 1 x Omega; 2 x Hyperion and 3 x Artemis
Narn: 2 x G'Quan; 3 x Var'Ni,k and 4 Sho'Kos
The Narn player basically operated the Q'Quans and the Var'niks together and faced off the Omega and the Hyperions. One Var'Nik died real early to the Hyperions thanks to some exceptional exploding dice rolling but after that the Hyperions pretty much outgunned.
Apologies that one of the G'Quans is unpainted - that is currently being rectified as I post oh, and the Oracle was masquerading as an Artemis as I only own 2!!

As for the Omega, well, it shot a few times but lacked any real punch to do any real damage to the G'Quans and was well, pretty useless. It managed to kill a Sho'Kos but that's not really too hard.
The Artemis though, when they linked all ships and 2 x railgun systems in an attack were pretty awesome - pity they were too far out of the early battles to get involved.

This was only our first ever game using a new rules as well as the conversion so more play time required but so far so good. When we have more experience I can post back our assessment of the conversion - keep up the good work!!
Edit - forgot to add but Stephan, your ship stats are a bit hard on my old eyes so I recreated them using Excel. I've attempted to attach the worksheet to this post for people to look at - hopefully it'll work ;-)
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