I got together with two of my friends today to play a serious battle today. 1200 pts per fleet and our fourth couldn't make it so I wrangled up a battle fleet of Terrans to join my Hawker fleet. Chris brought his Dinedrenzi and Jim brought his RSN. I knew this was going to be a tough one but I had no idea just how badly the my guys were going to fare.
Here we are a few moves into turn one in Capture The Station.
We used an Eldar BFG model for the ghost station.
Already things looked bad. I won the roll to pick attacker/defender and neither of us are particularly good at assault. Should have defended the station.
I didn't spend a lot of time taking pictures but after a spate of seriously sub par attack and shield rolls I was hoarding hazard markers like they'd be the only currency after the government falls. This also lead to serious AD deficiencies from my Titan and bothe squads of Regent CGs. It wasn't helping that my Makalus didn't break DR on their targets once until turn four. Towards the midpoint of turn three this is what the middle of the board looked like...and everybody but the Hawker BB dissapeared shortly thereafter. All of those tokens belong to me except the ones in the Dindrenzi Naussica. Hell, my Dread had just cleared from 5 down to 1 hazard marker. Damn high energy weapons.
Sadly, mine was the lower battle log. We called the game at the end of turn 4 and all I had left was 1 Excelsior BB, 2 Artemis DDGs, and a single Makalu CG.
It was a hell off a rough game for everyone staminawise and particularly for my pride. I think we've decided 4(3) player games will be limited to patrol fleets going forward. All in all everybody had a great time but by the end we were just plum tuckered out.