Firestorm Armada Campaign System Part 1: Differences

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve started a project to convert the Battlefleet Gothic (BFG) campaign system for use with Firestorm Armada (FA). This post is going to deal with a few specific problem areas that will need to be addressed in this process. These problems stem from the key differences between the games, and are unavoidable given the difference in features and game mechanics between the two systems.

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The Battlefleet Gothic Campaign System

Not long ago, I put up a post discussing the various aspects and different types of campaigns you might typically encounter. This time around, I want to focus a little more on one campaign system in particular, which is the one that was created for Games Workshop’s space naval combat game Battlefleet Gothic, commonly shortened to BFG. This game came with a great set of campaign rules that have always captured my imagination.

Now, before I get much further, I should mention that I’m not going to do a detailed, blow by blow description of this system. I’m endeavoring to write this so that intimate knowledge of its rules are not required, but if you find yourself confused you may want to have the PDF of the rulebook open and on hand for reference! Continue reading

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Man Battlestations Newsletter #7

Man Battlestations Newsletter #7


The past month has been a very busy one, indeed! There has been a lot of activity on both the DWCO and DWVA forums, with members setting up events and posting results:



Plus, we have created a brand new club page for Firestorm Armada players that is off to a roaring start!


As mentioned in the last newsletter, there has been some interest around the forums for the trading and buying/selling of miniatures. To help facilitate this, a new Marketplace sub-forum has also been created. Take a look, you might find just what you need:

Down in the DW section, member MajorMcNicol has posted some impressive pictures and stats for his own custom pirate faction:

And finally, there has been some incredible work posted in the Modelling section. In the shipyard, Creon has been posting his Indian fleet test scheme, Landlubber has added some shots of his awesome Chinese and ROF test models, and both Stephan and Andrewchristlieb have posted some beautiful Firestorm models:

Indian Raj:
Chinese & RoF:

Down in the Showcase, both Creon and Stephan have been giving us a look at their Dystopian Wars models:

Thanks to all of you for continuing to make Man Battlestations the best naval gaming community on the internet!

-Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team

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Man Battlestations Newsletter #6

Hello again!

I must apologize for the tardiness of this month’s newsletter; “real” life has once again reared its head! However, that doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been a lot of activity on the forums – to the contrary!

First off, there has been a great thread going about the pros and cons of various campaign systems. Check it out, you might find some interesting ideas for your next campaign!

Also, a couple of members have posted that they are interested in buying or selling miniatures. Be sure to check out their threads!

There has also been some discussion on the Firestorm Armada 2.0 rulebook:

In the Showcase, forum member Stephan has posted some lovely images of his beautifully painted models to drool over:

And finally, there has been a lot of activity down in the DWCO section, including some great photographs:

Until next time, happy gaming!

Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.

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Line Ahead: Naval Wargaming and Campaigns

Line Ahead: Naval Wargaming and Campaigns

It’s been far too long since I’ve made a Line Ahead post! This is a topic I’ve been wanting to tackle on the blog for a while now, but I was spurned on by Landlubber’s post on the forums about wanting to start a campaign of his own. Honestly, I’m probably not the most qualified person to be talking about campaigns; I’ve only run one myself, and participated in a couple of others. However, I have spent a lot of time looking at various campaign systems, and thinking about how their various aspects might be applied to a custom campaign of my own creation. So, here goes!

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Carriers in DW 2.0

Under the 1.0 and 1.1 editions of Dystopian Wars, small aircraft (represented by Tiny Flyer Tokens) were of minimal utility. While a full-strength dive bomber or torpedo bomber wave could put a hurt on an enemy, it was easily intercepted, and once it had attacked the game would most likely be over as the squadron now had to land, re-arm, and re-launch, with each action taking a turn.  That effectively made TFTs one-shot weapons, and also made carrier-centric fleets tactically fool-hardy. However, things are now different; as I mentioned in my review of the 2nd edition rules for Dystopian Wars, Support aircraft Squadrons (SAS, the replacement for TFTs) have gotten significantly more potent. Additionally, carrier models have gotten more useful, thanks to the simplification of the rules for re-arming and re-launching SAS’s. These actions can now be accomplished in a single turn. This raises a provocative question: Is a carrier-centric fleet now a viable build, defined as being able to go toe-to-toe with a fleet built around dreadnoughts and battleships?

Aircraft Carrier, Dystopian Wars, Germans, Spartan Games

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Man Battlestations Newsletter 05

Man Battlestations Newsletter 05

Hello again! This newsletter is normally promulgated via email to the members of the forum, but based on a suggestion, I’m posting it here as well! Enjoy…

June has been a very busy monthly for both the forum and the blog!

There has been quite a lot of discussion on the newly released second edition of DW 2.0:

There has also been a lot of coverage for DW 2.0 on the blog, including an unboxing of the new box set, a thorough review of the rules, and an event report:

Elsewhere around the forums, the new Chinese Robotic Dragon for Dystopian Wars has been making a big splash:

There has been several new posts on the WWI sub-forum, now that we are reaching the 100th anniversary of the war:

There has also been a lot of activity in the club sections:



And as a reminder, the Man Battlestations improvement thread is still up and running! Please stop by to vote in the poll and leave a comment! Your feedback is greatly appreciated:

Until next month!

Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team

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DW 2.0 Event Report: The Guns of 29 June

8 members of the DWVA group, including your’s truly, got together yesterday at the Game Vault in Fredricksburg, VA for our first games using the new 2.0 edition of the rules. Factions represented at the event included the Prussians, RoF, Australia, the Ottomans, EotBS, the Russians, and the Covenant. Continue reading

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The Prussian Empire in DW 2.0

After having done four big articles on the rules for DW 2.0, I thought it would be a good idea to turn some attention to how the core nations have changed with the release of the new model stats. And, what better place to begin than with my beloved Prussians!

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Dystopian Wars 2.0 Rules Breakdown Part 4: Section D

And now for the 4th and final installment of my detailed review of the new Dystopian Wars rules! First, I’ll take a look at Section D, and then I’ll close it out with my final thoughts on the rules after my first couple of read-throughs.

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