2015 Naval Gaming Predictions

2015 Naval Gaming Predictions

Given that the New Year has just begun, I thought it might be fun to “read the tea-leaves” and come up with a list of predictions for how the year might develop in the realm of naval wargaming. At the end of the year, I plan on coming back to re-visit these predictions and see how I did. This is an idea I shamelessly stole from the D6 Generation podcast, true, but I am going to run with it anyway! My scope here is going to be more limited, as I’m going to focus on just those things that are naval gaming related, though I am going to lump in video games and board games, not just miniatures games. Now, bear in mind, this is all based on my own observation/wish listing. I have absolutely NO inside information on any of this!

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Happy New Year!

Thanks to all the forum members and those who have commented here on the blog for a great 2014! Looking back over the year, its pretty clear that we Naval gamers had it pretty good. Spartan Games kept up a pretty brisk pace of releases for both Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada, and both of those games seem to be going strong. Fantasy Flight and Wizkids are still producing X-Wing and Attack Wing, which remain very popular with a wide cross-section of gamers. And there were a number of smaller releases as well, like Sails of Glory and the Fatal Decisions Kickstarter.

So, what does 2015 hold? Well, the biggest game immediately on the horizon has to be Star Wars Armada, from Fantasy Flight. This game is being made by some of the same team that made X-Wing, so we know the game will have tight mechanics, fun game play, and, oh yes, awesome looking minis. And this is before we even know what to expect from Spartan this year, who always has a few surprises up its sleeve.

It’s going to be a great year!


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Planetfall Rules Impressions

Spartan’s Planetfall has been out for a few weeks now, and so I’d thought I’d throw in my impressions of the rules. Granted, this is a little outside the normal scope of topics here (not many ships in this game!), I thought it would be appropriate given the obvious tie-ins with Firestorm Armada. So, what follows are a list of my thougths as I went through the rule book. Here we go!


  • Things are very maneuverable, even more so than the land vehicles in Dystopian Wars. It seems like most units int he game have 360-degree movement.
  • Coherency is very close..only 2 inches for ground units and 4 inches for air. This is going to tend to cause units to clump up a lot more, since they have to practically be in base contact to satisfy that 2″ requirement. This is also the tightest coherency I’ve seen in not only a Spartan game, but just about any minis game I can recall looking at!
  • Raming is now a thing, which makes sense. Interestingly, it works differently than in other Spartan games. Instead of the ramming causing damage directly, the attack causes disorder tokens to be placed on the target (more on these later).

Sky Drops

  • This is a neat mechanic, that wraps up off-board support like artillery and “deep strking” units together in a single set of rules. There are some issues with these rules in the books as written, looking at the forums, but those weren’t immediately apparent to me when just reading the rules.
  • Sky drops always deviate, it seems.
  • They are placed at deployment, making it hard for arty strikes. You really have to plan ahead with these!


  • The order/disorder rules in this game seem to be much more…severe than even in DW 2.0. If a unit has disorder tokens on it at the end of a turn, they become damage tokens instead!
  • Passing disorder tests requires getting a number of successes equal to the number of tokens on the unit..which is more than the usual one or two we are used to seeing (potentially).

Close-Quarters Combat

  • The name suggests something akin to hand-to-hand combat, but in fact it works just like another shooting.
  • Has a 4″ range, and interestingly an enemy unit can initiate these attacks in certain situations (kind of plays with the activation sequence a bit).
  • Initiating a CQC attack does not prevent you from also shooting in the next phase.
  • The book comes right out and says that you should skip this section and move on to the shooting section of the rulebook, and then come back to the CQC section….huh?! That struck me as  a bit odd.
  • Stompy Robots! Robot models can use a special CQC attack.


  • Weapons in this game all combine, instead of linking. Less math!
  • In one of the most significant change from previous games, shooting is now targeted at units, not individual models. This means that hits will end up being allocated among models in range of the attack. I’m concerned that this could open Planetfall to the some of the same allocation shenanigans that have plagued 40k for years, but time will tell.
  • Shields: For the units that have them, shields combine as well. Again, no linking!

General Observations

  • Like DW, you round up in this game (I really wish SG could just pick one convention on this and stick to it!).
  • The rule book seems to talk a lot about agreeing with your opponent on things…sort of an odd thing to emphasize.
  • The structure of the book seems to be a bit poorly thought out, especially compared to the DW and FA 2.0 rulebooks. It is not the worst Spartan book I’ve seen, but it feels like a regression compared to those other games.

So, there you have it. Some of the members of the forum have manged to get a few games in, and their impressions are interesting. Basically, this looks like a fun game to me from reading the rules, and the models are excellent (as usual). However, this looks like another case of a set of half-baked rules from Spartan, which is disappointing.

Until next time!

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Forum Newsletter 10

Forum Newsletter 10

Hello again fellow naval gamers!

First up, a reminder that we have a contest running until next month! Submit a battle report on the forums for your chance to win a copy of the Fatal Choices book:


In the News & Rumors section, there has been a lot of new hotness being discussed, including FFG’s new Star Wars Armada game:


In the Dystopian Wars sub-forum, there has been some interesting discussion the best tactics to use for the Prussians:


In the Firestorm Armada forums, the new Planetfall ground game has received a lot of attention:


In the Shipyard, I’ve put up a few pictures of a test model I painted for my Firestorm Armada Terran fleet;


And, in the showcase section, Creon has been sharing some of his excellent-looking DW models:


I’ve been active on the blog, as well. Here is a short report I did for a Thanksgiving-themed game I played a couple of weeks ago:


Until next time!

Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team

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A Dystopian Wars TANKS-Giving

A Dystopian Wars TANKS-Giving

As is customary, war gamers the world over are playing tank-related games this weekend in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. My father-in-law, Jim, was nice enough to sit down and play a Dystopian Wars scenario of my own devising: The Great Turkey Shoot!

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Man Battlestations Newsletter #9

Greetings once again!

The holidays are nearly upon us, and by all the goings-on it seems a lot of you have been taking the opportunity for some gaming!

First of all, Spartan’s new Planetfall game is making some waves! Some members of the forum have been fortunate enough to get their hands on the rules already; you can catch up with their discussion here:

Also in the Firestorm Armada section, I’ve posted the first version of my Campaign Rules for your perusal and comment:

In the Space gaming section, there has been some fond discussions regarding Battlefleet Gothic:

Forum member Creon has been kind enough to post a tutorial for some very nice islands he has made for his naval games:

You can see some more pictures of these islands in the Showcase:

And last, but not least, I’ve announced a new contest. You can find all the details in the link below, but in summary all you need to do to enter is write a battle report, and post it to the forums. The winner (selected by me) will receive a copy of the excellent book Fatal Choices, which details early WWI naval battles between the British and German fleets:

Until next time!

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Firestorm Armada Campaign System Part 3: Version 0.9 Ready!

It took me longer than I had initially anticipated, but I have finally gotten my Firestorm Armada campaign rules up to a playable level! You can download them here:


Now, that’s not to say that these rules are done; quite to the contrary I feel there is still a lot to be done and I have some interesting ideas I want to try going forward. However, I feel I’ve more or less reached the point where I need to start getting some outside feedback and, dare I say, play testing. So, I’m considering these rules to be something of an open beta of sorts; please take a look, let me know what you think, and feel free to try them out! I will be periodically re-visiting them and making updates as I get feedback and find errors.

Good luck and good hunting!

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Firestorm Armada Campaign System Part 2: What’s in a Name?

So, as I continue my effort to convert the BFG campaign system to Firestorm Armada, one of the things I’m having to come up with is names for things that were previously very Grim Dark. Specifically, the BFG campaign system includes a set of commander titles and planet names that fit right in with the 40k universe, but clash rather badly with the Firestorm one (in my opinion).

Naming Planets

Starting with the planet names, I’m trying to get away from the 40k concept of a planet only doing one thing, or primarily only one thing. For example, you have Agri-worlds that are giant farms, Hive Worlds that are planet-sized cities, and so on. Firestorm seems a bit more familiar, so I imagine that planets are still somewhat generalized in their function. So, I am planning on using the following categories in the campaign:

Uninhabited: Worlds that, for whatever reason, have no permanent sentient presence. These could be pristine worlds set aside as nature preserves, or the site of a weapons test gone horribly wrong. More likely, though, they are just too worthless or bothersome to colonize!

Settled: These are planets that have some sort of permanent settlement, even if it is a small research or science facility. They may also be planets that have only recently been colonized, and as such are still in the “gold rush” phase of their development; these worlds very much represent a frontier for those pioneers hardy enough to venture there. This class of world can also be a world that has been settled for some time, but, for whatever reason, have become back-waters and not developed into larger settlements.

Developed: These planets boast moderate populations and reasonably well-developed infrastructure. Life here is a definite step up from a Settled world, as the colony is no longer one missed supply shipment or bad winter away from going hungry. These planets are capable of reasonable levels of industrial production, though much of that must be funneled back into the colony itself.

Civilized: These are some of the oldest and most well-developed planets in the galaxy. They feature large populations, but also have access to very high levels of technology which enable that population to live in relative comfort and safety. While some civilized worlds have degenerated into failed states full of dangerous slums, many others have been elevated to paradises, with green parks and forest preserves sharing space with the concrete canyons of sprawling cities.

Industrialized: These planets have become major centers of trade and manufacturing. Often, they are created in systems with many resource-rich planets and asteroids, giving their vast facilities ready access to the necessary raw materials.  Industrialized worlds are started as such from scratch on planets and moons that are otherwise uninhabitable or would require uneconomical amounts of terraforming. While they typically have precious “spare” population, they are able to generate a prodigious amount of industrial production.

Commander Titles

With that sorted, I now turn to the titles for the commanders. My current plans involve having 6 commander ranks, and I would very much like to have unique ranks for each faction. Unfortunately, that means I will need a total of 36 titles for just the main 6 factions! The fluff in the rulebook and the faction books provides some small help, as they ocassionaly mention titles that a few famous personages have. I am also looking to historical and modern naval practice for ideas. Even so, the process is somewhat slow going! Here, I’m presenting what I’ve come up with for the Terrans and the Directorate:


The Terran ranks are based most closely on customary naval ranks, since I’m assuming the Terrans are the most tradition bound of the human factions:

  1. Captain
  2. Commodore
  3. Rear Admiral
  4. Vice Admiral
  5. Fleet Admiral
  6. Star Admiral


The Directorate, on the other hand, are the least conventional of the human factions. Their organization is hinted as being more like a major corporation than a military, so I decided to come up with a list of titles that reflects that:

  1. Associate Fleet Manager
  2. Fleet Manager
  3. General Fleet Manager
  4. Deputy Director, Fleet Operations
  5. Director, Fleet Operations
  6. Vice President of Fleet Operations

And there you have it. As I continue to crank away, if you have any suggestions for additional titles, please let me know. Until next time!


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Man Battlestations Newsletter #8

Man Battlestations Newsletter #8

Hail, fellow naval gamers!

Welcome to this month’s newsletter. For those of you who have not visited in a while, you will notice there have been a number of changes made to the boards. I’ve re-arranged some sections, and moved others. Essentially, I am trying to emphasize the sections of the forum that are used most often. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the changes by email or private message!

To start off, congratulations to Dale who was selected for the Spartan Vanguard program!


The Firestorm Armada sub-forum continues to see a lot of action! Be sure to check out the short battle report I put together for my first game of FA 2.0:


The Dystopian Wars section has not been quiet by any stretch, either. Last Rites has started an interesting new Mediterranean campaign:


And, don’t forget about the blog; I’ve made several posts there regarding my Firestorm Armada campaign project:



Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.

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Into the Storm Zone

Ran across this blog entry while rummaging around on Dakka today, and I thought all of you here might be interested. Jaden Howell of the Imperial Patrol has posted a nice pre-game write up for his first game of Firestorm Armada, including an interesting bit of fluff to set up the scenario:



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